
Introduction: Mapping Out a Plan for the Rest of My Life and Enjoying the Journey

My Golden Years are an extension of the life I have lived up to retirement which began on December 1, 2011. I have organized this blog to include the top ten relevant topics shown below in the right side column in General Topics. Just click on one and you will see all that I have written on that topic. Click on the Most Current tab for chronological order of all entries.

I have addressed each topic in no particular order other than what is currently on my mind on the day I am posting. I started each topic by describing where I was when I began this blog and then exploring the possibilities of progression and any goals that I would like to meet. After that, I write about the path to reach that goal as it happens. Sometimes I just write about what is happening now.

I welcome any comments and questions either on this blog or email as I travel these paths and hope to share my growth with interested persons who may find some common elements in their own path to the rest of their life. I hope to use my skills as an appraiser for nearly 30 years to continue to observe different perspectives on a subject and reconcile into a conclusion that is of value to me. Please join me whenever you like. Email notice of new posts is no longer available so just bookmark the address.

Of most importance to me is the confidence developed in my intuitive skills over the years and it is that part of my character I am trusting to define value in my life. I believe change can be good and I can be enriched by believing in my true self using my intuition. The analytical part of my life no longer has a financial grip and I can let go of what absolutely made sense at the time in favor of what feels right now. I have done a lot of work since this blog began in 2011 and I hope you will join me as I explore this approach in My Golden Years.


Sunday, December 4, 2016

5th Retirement Anniversary - Outdoor Activities

One of the advantages of writing a personal retirement blog is the ability to look back on posts and reflect on the paths I have chosen that led me to where I am now and where I'd like to be in the next five years.  I am happy that I organized this blog in a way that allows me and the reader to see my goals' progress in the top ten categories of relevance to me.  Many of my posts cross into more than one category or "Label."  It is a good time for me  to look back from the first post in each category or "Label" and summarize the highlights to see the level of progress made in my first five years of retirement.  I can more clearly see a path ahead and adjust or make new goals.

I will write ten posts on this 5th Retirement Anniversary addressing each category or "Label." I can also see the stats and which posts have had the most public views.  At this time, my blog had 22,400 views.  That's about 100 views per week in 18 different countries around the world!  It is very rewarding to know that there is interest in what I have to say.  By helping myself I must be helping others with similar interests.  It is an incentive to continue.

Here are my brief summaries of the first five years of retirement and goal adjustments I want to make at this time.  If you want more information on a subject, please scroll down on the right side of the main page and click on the first months in 2011 where you will see where I'm coming from.        
My journey continues....

Outdoor Activities

To be sure, retirement has increased all my outdoor activities!  Of course, I chose a career that allowed me to be outdoors when I collected data for generally 8-10 days then process it at my home office for four weeks.  That was my basic schedule for at least 28 of the 30 years.  At my home office, I could manage my time to get my work done early and get outside on a beautiful day!  Even when I was traveling to collect data, I had opportunities everyday to see all the outdoor areas statewide.  I absolutely took advantage of this flexibility in my workdays and developed interests in gardening, walking, running, hiking, bicycling, swimming, fly-fishing, and nature photography.  This was all part of my regular workday.

Because of great flexibility in my work schedule with a home office, I had the management and organizational skills to get the job done and be involved in Girl Scouting and Boy Scouting as well as programs put on by the Missouri Department of Conservation that all contributed in developing my outdoor skills.  These skills were developed even more when my children left home and I could go beyond being the teacher. I had reached a peak level before I had a neck injury that set me down for 3-4 years.  The determination to get back on track through therapy had given me more stamina and strength.  I got back all that I had lost and then some!  I know what is is like to not be active outdoors and I was not having any of it!  I got healthy again.  I worked three years past my eligible retirement date and decided it was enough.  I needed to gain back some of the time I lost and I valued my time outdoors more than working as long as I can for more money than I need.

No big changes at the time I retired except that all my outdoor activities can now be done more during the week when it is less crowded on trails, lakes, and other public use areas.  I have more retired people to do things outdoors with from my Master Naturalists group.  I have added kayaking as a major activity.  I have time for more festivals and outdoor events.  I have been traveling and sightseeing more.  I do less motorcycling with Keith as he commutes 150 miles a day four days a week for work and recreational motorcycling just doesn't cut it right now.  I have decreased my time fly-fishing just because I am on the water more with my kayak and fly-fishing is hard to do at the same time.

In the next five years of retirement, I hope to continue with all outdoor activities and keep myself healthy so I can!  I might like to do more fly-fishing and/or add a different kind of fishing (crappie/bass) that I can do in my kayak.  Probably not increasing recreational motorcycling with Keith unless he gets into it more when he retires in two years.  I thought about camping again as there are new opportunities with the Master Naturalist group but that would involve putting out a large expense for equipment.  Not sure I want to do that all again!

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