
Introduction: Mapping Out a Plan for the Rest of My Life and Enjoying the Journey

My Golden Years are an extension of the life I have lived up to retirement which began on December 1, 2011. I have organized this blog to include the top ten relevant topics shown below in the right side column in General Topics. Just click on one and you will see all that I have written on that topic. Click on the Most Current tab for chronological order of all entries.

I have addressed each topic in no particular order other than what is currently on my mind on the day I am posting. I started each topic by describing where I was when I began this blog and then exploring the possibilities of progression and any goals that I would like to meet. After that, I write about the path to reach that goal as it happens. Sometimes I just write about what is happening now.

I welcome any comments and questions either on this blog or email as I travel these paths and hope to share my growth with interested persons who may find some common elements in their own path to the rest of their life. I hope to use my skills as an appraiser for nearly 30 years to continue to observe different perspectives on a subject and reconcile into a conclusion that is of value to me. Please join me whenever you like. Email notice of new posts is no longer available so just bookmark the address.

Of most importance to me is the confidence developed in my intuitive skills over the years and it is that part of my character I am trusting to define value in my life. I believe change can be good and I can be enriched by believing in my true self using my intuition. The analytical part of my life no longer has a financial grip and I can let go of what absolutely made sense at the time in favor of what feels right now. I have done a lot of work since this blog began in 2011 and I hope you will join me as I explore this approach in My Golden Years.


Friday, July 26, 2013

Reversing Diabetes - Mid-Summer Progress


I am very happy to say that I am half-way on my goal to reverse my diabetes!  The progress was measured recently at my yearly physical in July.  Doctor's advice and recommendations from last April were followed about 75% of the time.  For more detail about that information, see my blog from April 2013.

First and for most, I lost 12 pounds this past year!  Since April's blood work, my blood sugar A1C went from a 7.0 in to a 6.5 in July which is a huge move in the right direction!  In the past year, total cholesterol went down 12 points to a 163, LDL Cholesterol went down 15 points to a 65 and triglycerides made a whopping decrease of 63 points to 87!  Doctor was very pleased but said that he did not want to change what has been working so well and thinks I should stay on my full medications for a year.  He said that I should keep doing what I'm doing.  Getting through the next winter with a decrease in exercise and keeping up with the good nutritional habits will be a good indication that these good blood chemistry numbers are here to stay and get even better.  Also, He wants me below an A1C of 6.0 before he reduces or eliminates my medications.  I want to loose another 12 pounds.  That is my goal.  The motivation to reduce or eliminate my medicine is great as that could mean up to $3,000 less to spend on medications out of my pocket; no small change!

I attribute my success so far to my positive attitude for the most part which has become stronger since I retired in December 2011.  It grew as I was able to let go of stresses formed during my career and from growing a life and family.  This "letting go" was not as easy as I thought it would be just because I retired from a rewarding, interesting career where I reached my peak and my family was doing well enough on their own and not including me as often as I thought I wanted in their adult lives.  Filling the emptiness from not being in constant need with solid intuitive wants takes time.  I think I had to be empty or a "blank slate" before I could begin to fill up with what is good for me. What is good for me is my health and well-being.  Using my intuition to find value in my life has grown increasingly. This blog has been a good tool for me.

Of course, my nutrition and activity level have improved especially since April 2013.  The book recommended by my doctor included seven soup recipes I combined with fresh garden produce along with trying most of the other recipes or a similar version of them. This the biggest change in nutrition although it is not unlike the way I have been eating.  It is beans and greens for the most part.  I followed it about 75% of the time.  The book is "The End of Diabetes" by Joel Fuhrman, M.D.  My doctor and I agreed that Dr. Fuhrman was somewhat over the top but had a lot of good advice that has proven it works through many patient testimonies. I had not been a big meat-eater before but always had considered myself a "meat and potatoes girl" with a hardly appetite.  After trying Dr. Fuhrman's way, I found that I want much less meat, wheat, and dairy products.  I still love desserts and am satisfied with my healthier choices and do not deprive myself of anything...just eat less portions.  Again, my attitude change helps me to make the right choices and WANT them.

I must add that I highly recommend Jillian Michaels, "Master Your Metabolism." That got me started looking more closely at what I had been consuming.  I thought I knew a lot and found out I never stop learning.  I listen to the author as much as possible but admit that she is way over the top in discipline and I can only hope to achieve some of what she has but it is good to have someone to look up too.  Recently, I heard her on TV talking about yet another book when she seemed to back-off somewhat and get more real to help more people.  She said there's always something you are told to cut out - carbs, fats, whatever the current trend.  If you just learn what is good for you and don't deprive yourself of what you know you should limit, you will sustain a good lifestyle.  A realistic way to look at it is to make good choices 80% of the time.  As you learn what is good and make those choices, you will want it more.  So the desserts or whatever you know can't be that good for you are not gone but manageable  real living.

Mixed Garden Veggies Fresh From My Garden - variety lettuces, spinach, radishes, beets, onions

Homemade Tomato Bisque with sweet potato crackers, mixed garden salad with white peach balsamic vinegar and Persian lime EVOO, ice tea, and good company!  Yes, we did have dessert - homemade strawberry-rhubarb pie with granola top crust

If the reader has seen much of my blog, you know I am an active person year-round.  This is nothing new but has always been a part of who I am.  I am a gardener, cyclist, walker, kayaker, fly-fisherman, swimmer, and member of the SBU Wellness Center for 20 years.  In my home I have worn out a treadmill, a Nordic Track, and a gym/weight bench in 30 years.  I have always had yoga stuff around including books and classes over the years.  I can set up my bike on an indoor track for stationary exercise.  I have had an elliptical machine since 2005 and use it regularly when I can't get outside or go to the Wellness Center.  This is my normal lifestyle.  I must have at least six hours of exercise a week to feel well.  It is a challenge in the winter months when sometimes I only get three.  I cannot do that two weeks in a row or it will be very hard to get back on track.  If I skip two weeks in a row completely due to illness or pure laziness, I will feel miserable for two more weeks until I get back on track.  I have now reached a level of 12-15 hours per week for 3 months and don't want to quit!  I have never felt stronger or more alive and I want it to continue.  My retirement years are my BEST years!  I hope that I can keep this up as long as possible and especially maintain all that I have gained in good health and positive attitude.  I hope I can continue to progress so that next year at this time, my yearly physical will have the numbers that will justify a reduction in diabetes medication and...dare I say it...REVERSE IT!

Oh, yeah, did I mention you have to have a sense of humor or nothing works out (including you!)

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