
Introduction: Mapping Out a Plan for the Rest of My Life and Enjoying the Journey

My Golden Years are an extension of the life I have lived up to retirement which began on December 1, 2011. I have organized this blog to include the top ten relevant topics shown below in the right side column in General Topics. Just click on one and you will see all that I have written on that topic. Click on the Most Current tab for chronological order of all entries.

I have addressed each topic in no particular order other than what is currently on my mind on the day I am posting. I started each topic by describing where I was when I began this blog and then exploring the possibilities of progression and any goals that I would like to meet. After that, I write about the path to reach that goal as it happens. Sometimes I just write about what is happening now.

I welcome any comments and questions either on this blog or email as I travel these paths and hope to share my growth with interested persons who may find some common elements in their own path to the rest of their life. I hope to use my skills as an appraiser for nearly 30 years to continue to observe different perspectives on a subject and reconcile into a conclusion that is of value to me. Please join me whenever you like. Email notice of new posts is no longer available so just bookmark the address.

Of most importance to me is the confidence developed in my intuitive skills over the years and it is that part of my character I am trusting to define value in my life. I believe change can be good and I can be enriched by believing in my true self using my intuition. The analytical part of my life no longer has a financial grip and I can let go of what absolutely made sense at the time in favor of what feels right now. I have done a lot of work since this blog began in 2011 and I hope you will join me as I explore this approach in My Golden Years.


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Spa Vacation - Hot Springs, Arkansas

 Most scenic drive to Hot Springs, Arkansas is by way of Highway 7.  Photo taken in 2007.

A great way to start vacation this year...just purchased a 2011 Chevy Impala the day before!

We first discovered Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1991 as a family hunting for diamonds near Murphysburo.  After a day of muddin' it, we wanted to relax and enjoy some mineral waters and pampering.  The Arlington Hotel in Hot Springs had all that we could want.  This was the first time we were in Hot Springs and the only time we visited in the springtime.  It was hot and humid but perfect for the blooming magnolia trees that lined the main street.  Intoxicating!  We had a wonderful time enjoying the bath experience at the hotel (yes, the children too!) and walking along the tree-lined street in front of bathhouse row and the Promenade behind the buildings in the State Park.  All but one of the old buildings, Buckstaff Bathhouse, were closed because they needed renovation for public use.  Such beautiful vintage 1880's - 1930's construction with fine attention to details to support the luxurious atmosphere of the downtown area. I think all of them are renovated now or still in process of those that did not burn down. Several are open to the public with The Fordyce as the main Visitor's Center and the place to begin the tour. 

                                                 Keith in front of the Buckstaff Bathhouse

                            Keith and Beti with Daffney on the porch of the Fordyce Visitor's Center

Keith and I began to visit regularly after the children grew up and left home and every year now since 2007.  I was having some neck issues and nerve compression that required surgery.  The healing waters and therapeutic massage helped regenerate my nerves and muscles as well as de-stress from our busy lives.   Everything I want is in one place, The Arlington Hotel.  Exercise is an important part of the experience and this year we included The Garvan Woodland Gardens to our walking as well as daily walks along the Promenade and shopping, of course.

For general information about Arkansas vacation planning:

For all information about our favorite hotel and the services offered:

For additional events and information about The Garvan Woodland Gardens:

The photos below are from our most recent trip:

This was our first time visiting Garvan Woodland Gardens.  It is about nine miles from Hot Springs.

So much color and beauty along the pathways.  Decorating for Christmas has begun already and will be opening soon after we plan to leave this year.  This would be a good place to go for a walk if visited in November or December.  It's still warm enough in Arkansas that time of year.  We are here the later part of October usually.

                                  Beti and Keith with Daffney in Garvan Woodland Gardens

                                          Millsap Canopy Bridge in Garvan Woodland Gardens

                                   Daffney drinking with the fishes in Garvan Woodland Gardens

The Ozark Bathhouse is one of the oldest on Bathhouse Row.  Every year they display a current winner of an art sculpture contest in front of the building.  At the end of the year it has a permanent home in the city park.

This sculpted stone wall and mineral water fountain is located below the Promenade between two of the bathhouses on Bathhouse Row

Keith and Beti on the Promenade with The Arlington Hotel in the background

                                                                 Keith on the Promenade

                                            One of many restful stops along the Promenade

View of the Downtown Area from the Promenade.  Central Avenue is lined with lovely Magnolia Trees which bloom in the Spring and are highly fragrant.

The Promenade with The Arlington Hotel in the background.  This beautiful path is located behind and above Bathhouse Row alongside a hill and extends for several city blocks.  This area is the main source of the hot springs and steam can be seen all the time coming from open areas.  The larger springs are capped and piped into the bathhouses and public water sources.

This view is from the Promenade just above the stone wall and fountain.  There are stairs to access and a lovely open steaming waterfall.  Other accesses would be at either end with gradual ramps.  There are also stairs all along the path to access open spring areas below and continue on hiking trails above.

Hot Springs National Park is our country's first National Park established in the 1880's.  It includes all of Bathhouse Row and the land behind it.  The large building in the background was built as a US Army and Navy Hospital to help rehabilitate our wounded servicemen with the healing mineral waters.  It is still in use today as a medical center.

Keith and I enjoy the front wrap-around porch of The Arlington Hotel which is located on Central Avenue with the best view.  We bring our own wine and goodies and spend much time here.

A toast to The Good Life from the porch of The Arlington Hotel on the evening of Day 4 after daily spa services which included the bath service and massage each day in the hot mineral waters.  This last day of our trip, I had 2 hours of special services including a facial in addition to the daily bath and massage services.

Look what showed up just as we were finishing our final evening on the porch!

Time for a new way to see Downtown Hot Springs!

A perfect ending to a wonderful vacation!

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